- ULTIMATE ORIGINS #1 from Brian Michael Bendis and Butch Guice is a tale of mystery surrounding the Ultimate Universe's greatest heroes. Captain America and Wolverine share a history running deeper than anyone could have imagined and this is only the beginning!
- Annuals aren't only a summertime thing, folks! AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE ANNUAL #1, GHOST RIDER ANNUAL #1, IRON MAN ANNUAL #1 and MOON KNIGHT ANNUAL #1 all hit shelves in November. Oo-wee, that's a lot of great comics!

- Preparing for life without WORLD WAR HULK? Well Marvel's giving you the chance to put it off a little longer with WORLD WAR HULK: AFTERSMASH, a 64-page beauty written by the one and only Greg Pak, exploring the fate of Hulk and all the lives he, uh, touched.
- And if your taste for epic action hasn't been sated, Stephen King's DARK TOWER: THE GUNSLINGER BORN gets the hardcover collection treatment. Collecting issues #1-#7 of this supernatural, Western tour-de-force, this is the must-have book for November. Did we mention Stephen King? Just checking.

- Not enough drama for you? Fine! "Spider-Man: One More Day," the epic Spidey tale illustrated by Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada, ends in November's AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #545, answering some heavy questions about the Web-Slinger in the process.

- Just when you thought the Phalanx were a thing of the past, ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST begins and things get ugly quick! This brand new installment comes on the heels of the CONQUEST prologue, four issues of NOVA and the QUASAR, STAR-LORD and WRAITH mini-series.
- Offering bleak visions of what could have been had heroes not prevailed, WHAT IF? ANNIHILATION details alien invasions and evil galactic conquerers

- He's baaaaack! Yes, CAPTAIN MARVEL #1 is here, with one of Marvel's most beloved heroes making his return via a mini-series and a dash of time travel. But things get dicey when Captain Marvel can see his own death on the horizon. Look out!
- HOUSE OF M gave comic fans a chance to see an alternate Marvel universe, one ruled by mutants. But where do the Avengers fit into all of this? Luke Cage might have some answers in HOUSE OF M: AVENGERS #1.
Original news is HERE
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