Creators, characters & cover images for all issues
Download it all from our online comic database
Create a comprehensive personal comic database
- Catalog publisher, imprint, date, title and cover images (front and back)
- For each issue, list all creators: writers, pencillers, colorists, inkers, letterers, editor, cover artists, etc...
- List the characters that appear including their alias and real names.
- Track story lines using the Story Arc and Crossover fields.
Then enjoy browsing your comic database on your computer
- View your comic database as a list or as gallery of cover images.
- Group comics by series, publisher, crossover or any other property.
- Find comics quickly, either by title, creator or anything you want.
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If you want to find out more, visit Official Comic Collector Site
Download HERE
If you want to find out more, visit Official Comic Collector Site