Number 389
Man in the macabre mirror
Hey, remember that song by Michael Jackson, "Man in the Mirror"? I'm sure when Michael Jackson looks in the mirror at his reflection he sees something almost as macabre as famed actor Willis Kane sees in this story from The Beyond #11. I like this story. I like that Willis fulfills Pappy's First Law of Horror Comics: "The main character shall be as unpleasant and unredeemable as possible," so that his punishment will be all the more justified and severe. I like the artwork by an artist unknown to me. I even like the swiped EC Ghoulunatic who sells the mirror to Willis.
Me, I've been sneaking up on my mirror for years, watching myself get old. Now that's scary.
Karswell tells me that soon he'll be running more horror comics from Ace in The Horrors Of It All. Watch for them.
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