Number 884
The Green Hornet and the mummy murders!
I see that The Green Hornet, the movie, was number one at the box office last weekend. So I thought I'd show folks what the original comic book Green Hornet looked like.
As we fans know, the Green Hornet was created as a radio show by the same folks who created the Lone Ranger, George Trendle and Fran Striker. Before the current hit movie, and over several decades, the Green Hornet has been featured in radio, movie serials, comic books, and a TV series.
This story is from Harvey Comics' The Green Hornet #29, 1946, drawn by Jerry Robinson, in much the same style as he put into his Batman pages.
I'm the type who waits for the DVD of a movie, so I imagine I won't see The Green Hornet for another few months, but only if you guys who've seen it tell me it's worth watching.

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