Number 892
Comics McCormick and the Super-Robot!
Comics McCormick was a feature in the four issues of Fat and Slat, written and drawn by Edgar "Ed" Wheelan for EC Comics during the time of publisher Maxwell C. Gaines. Gaines apparently liked Wheelan, whose work also appeared in some of the All-American Comics line during Gaines' time as publisher. Here's an example of Wheelan's work in Pappy's #630, from Fat and Slat #3. You can type Ed Wheelan into the search engine above or click on the Ed Wheelan label below for more.
Back to Wheelan's Comics McCormick, a sharp satire on comic books in the late 1940s when they enjoyed their greatest popularity. Comics McCormick represented what many adults were noticing, kids totally obsessed with comic books. Comics hides a comic book in his geography book, and more than likely that happened in real life. Like many comic book fans, Comics has an active fantasy life, and Wheelan has a lot of fun with the concept.
Wheelan, who had drawn the popular Minute Movies strip during the 1920s, never changed his style. He kept his bigfoot, old-fashioned style, which I find completely charming. You can see a two-part Minute Movies continuity here and here.

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