Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 5, 2011


Jacque Nodell's boyfriend checks in with a post on collecting romance comics as a teen.
1997 was a great year. I was 18 years old then, and now look back on it quite romantically. I was a traveler exploring new lands and acquiring new treasures. From Detroit to Chicago to Indianapolis, I took back with me to Lafayette, Indiana hundreds of romance books. All of which were gifted to Jacque around 2008. And though she has acquired many more hundreds over the past few years, you might say that these books were the foundation on which Sequential Crush was built.

I confess that in my collecting years, I don't think I ever bought a romance book. But it is one of the oddities of romance that it's the one storyline twist that appears in every other genre. It's no surprise to find a romantic interlude in a superhero comic, or a sci-fi mag or even Sgt. Rock. So even though I didn't buy romance comics per se, I did buy plenty of comics with romantic elements.

Superman Fan has reached the end.
Over the years, I’ve had a great time digging through old comics to come up with things to say about Superman and his world, and even more fun interacting with visitors who’ve shared their own opinions, expertise and ideas. The hard truth, however, is that I’ve just about exhausted my collection of comics to review and clippings to share, though obviously I’ve only just scratched the surface of Superman’s long career.

I've often regretted that I made the subject matter for this blog so incredibly vast, but one thing's for certain; I'm not going to run out of material anytime soon!

Commander Benson takes a long look at the second set of teamups between Green Lantern and the Flash. What I am struck with in reading those stories is how much Hal and Barry (and Iris and Carol) became friends over the course of those adventures.

Over at Chasing Amazing, Mark covers a horrifying new trend: turning old comics into trading cards.
Yes, that’s somebody taking an issue of Amazing Spider-Man #2 (please note, one of the missing issues in my quest) and cutting out a panel of the Vulture (his first appearance in a comic) to be featured on an Upper Deck trading card. In mint condition, that comic could net someone thousands of dollars. The comic featured in the video, by my humblest guestimate, is probably in Fair, maybe, MAYBE Poor condition (though I feel the cover is too complete to be considered a Poor), which would only net the reseller a few hundred dollars. According to, these comic book cards, dubbed Upper Deck Marvels, are already bringing bids as high as $80.

I'm not a terribly religious person, but that strikes me as downright sinful.

Brian at Comics Should Be Good covers the five goofiest moments in the first five Human Torch stories in Strange Tales. I enjoy the heck out of these five goofiest moments, because a) they're really goofy and b) Brian does them with a real love for subject matter while accepting that they were intended as throwaway entertainment for kids. Plus he absolutely nails the single silliest bit, which was the effort to make the Torch have a secret identity in those stories, even as the Fantastic Four issues made it obvious that he didn't.

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