Number 1040
From the depths of Hades to Der Fuehrer's face
We have in this Destroyer tale from All-Winners Comics the arch villains of all time: Hitler, Attila the Hun, Madame Satan and her husband, Satan himself.
Well, hard to beat all of those characters for sheer evil.
The Destroyer story isn't credited in the Grand Comics Database, except for a guess the inking is by Al Gabriele. It's very well drawn, full of action. Over the years Hitler has appeared in more comics than most fictional villains. It was a sort of wish-dream to get at him, but as we now know, that was all fantasy. Since this is fantasy might as well load it up with all the bad guys you can fit into a panel. I wonder if Madame Satan ever showed up again? She's very sexy, in a crazy-eyes sort of way.
The story appeared in a 2006 reprint from Marvel Comics, but what I'm showing you is from the original All-Winners Comics #8, 1943:

There's a joke in one panel about Der Fuehrer's Face, which was a popular hit of the day. Here's Spike Jones in a Movietone Newsreel doing a shortened version of the song:
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