The Spirit newspaper comic book never wanted for hot girls. Will Eisner, creator, knew the power of sex in comics. He had co-created Sheena a few years earlier, after all. There was a saying (I'm paraphrasing), "Kids read the comic strips, but their dads buy the newspaper." A comic strip creator had to provide something for Pop to make him plunk down his nickel. When the old man was done, Junior got his eyes full ogling comic strips with pretty girls.
This early Spirit, from November 10, 1940, is from the 24th issue of the weekly Comic Book Supplement, carried by several newspapers until it succumbed in 1952. The Black Queen is overtly sexy in her abbreviated costume. She also has the kiss of death; not the last Spirit female who was as deadly, or deadlier, than the male criminals who regularly whupped on the Spirit.

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