Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 6, 2014

Number 1587: “I’ll be hornswoggled!” The lady blacksmith and the tall cowboy.

Wayne Hart rides into the town of Lodestone looking for a blacksmith. He finds that and his true love in the same person, Edie Ford.

Since this is a love comic book, Cowboy Love, pardners, you know that the road to love will be mighty bumpy, and the roadside lined with owlhoots and sidewinders lookin' to get what Miss Edie’s uncle left her. There’s a rich guy dressed fancy who hires Wayne to do the dirty work, but Wayne double-deals him with his true payoff in mind...the hand of Miss Edie.

This is the second story I’ve shown recently where a Western woman is doing a “traditional” man’s job. In an earlier post, Pappy's #1157, she is the sheriff. In that story her fella takes her job and puts her in the home as his wife. I’m not sure that happens here with Wayne and Edie since the ending is left open on that subject, but I know what I’d be thinking about a blacksmith woman if I were Wayne: “Do I want a wife with Popeye arms who could pick me up and toss me like a cowchip?”

“Love’s Last Stand” is scanned from a reprint in Cowboy Love #28 (1955). It was originally shown in issue #2 (1949). Cowboy Love is one of the titles picked up by Charlton in 1953 when they bought up the rights to Fawcett’s non-Marvel Family comics. In his notes for issue #2 comic art-spotter Jim Vadeboncoeur Jr credits Marc Swayze with the art.

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