Number 503
My favorite Feldstein
EC Comics led the way for horror comics, and Al Feldstein led the way for EC. I never cared for his science fiction, but for some reason his chunky-funky style of art seemed perfect for horror. Maybe it's because he could draw such ordinary looking folks and such horrific walking corpses. As a writer he was great, taking an idea, writing it directly on the artboards, and having it end up just where it was supposed to. If he stuck to some formulas, well, so be it. Comics weren't considered great literature, and a product had to be turned out consistently.

Because the splash page of my copy of Tales From The Crypt #23, from 1951, has been vandalized by some long ago owner, I've included the black and white splash from the Russ Cochran hardbound EC library. I've also included an ad I tore out of a magazine years ago and placed in that volume.

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