Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 4, 2009

Some points to think & know

Friends, please read all these carefully & think.

Many friends are keeping eyes on last incident. Some say he is getting fame, but its fame or defame, it’s an individual opinion. If I do not like say on face, don't stab knife at back.

Hope some more friends are noted this interesting incident too. Who missed, this part is for them:

Yesterday (5th April) around 3 to 4 PM (IST) some ANON visitor had responded to Ravi Gokhale at P.M.’s blog that the ORIGINAL name of the blogger is “MANISH SRIVASTAV”. Around 8 PM It was deleted and comment option was disabled. Since 1 April all were requesting, some even abused, he didn't replied. Something strange, isn’t it? No other comments were deleted, Why? Why the name MANISH SRIVASTAV is dearer than family members? Is it the real name of this person?

As he said write in our blogs, so a massage for him, “PM aka MANISH SRIVASTAV or not matter who are you, as longer you are here, helping us coming closer to you. Pray with God that day never come. Recommend you to start changing computer every 3-4 days. We’ll also see how technically & financially you are strong. It’s my promise, if I dig out, the very next day your full Bio-data with photo will be posted. I’m living aboard, but more closer than you think. You are alone, may be some more are backing you, but we are thousands. We’ll give you such FAME, you will curse day you born.

I see many friends confused due to last incidents. Making clear our future plans & we are coming back slowly at our normal time-table:

1. About B&C blog: This blog will post all IJC openly, as much protected as can, but due to 1 person majority will not suffer.

All friends who can support technically to discourage such guys are most welcome. My e-mail is in my profile. Together we can solve. I’m personally not scanning, but it’s my duty to defend interest of every member of my team, visitors & community, I love.

2. About History & Mythology blog: This project is not a comic’s project for me. I love this series & very thankful to the publisher. I know at least 15 persons who are interested to buy all available printed copies now, but they are selling digital copies too. Sometimes ago, some friends hinted about copyrights. In long run the publisher will win. Since a long time I was thinking about it, many were aware about our plans.

Earlier we were thinking, out of prints ACK have expired copyrights. I found that in 2007 ACK Media had bought all rights, so all are falling in this category. Initially many were hesitated to post publicly, on my words agreed to scans & provide links. Some had shipped ACK overseas only for this project. Half of my team members are living in India. As we are going to post A to Z ACKs, per day number of ACKs are increasing, sooner or later the publisher can object. If we ask someone to not do, so we should give example too, as question about us was coined.

We collectively decided to remove all our (team) scans (links). Some places where my rights is removed & some scans are reloaded, my humble request, please remove & not reload. I blocked all my direct links which were posted by me. Hoping there is no P. M. in our community & will honor our demand. Sorry friends, we can’t violate openly and allow to copy.

History & Mythology blog will post publicly informatics material of all ACK only. No Links.

I’m busy due to some personal works. Please don’t mind whom I didn’t replied last days.

You’ll have all Indrajal Comics & many more. I don’t drop projects in midway. Please wait few days.

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