Mykal and I had a blast over the weekend bringing you
"Corpses of the Jury", so how about a couple more
Eerie Pub classics? And déjà vu---
Dick Ayer's infamous remake of
"I Killed Mary" from
Weird Mysteries #8 (1954) retitled
"I Chopped Her Head Off!" has been posted online before a couple times now (most recently over at
David Z's great
Tomb It May Concern blog), but it's much too good not to share again, so if you gorehounds have somehow missed it then here you go. From the June '75 issue of
Weird Vol. 9 #2.

BONUS! The April 1966 issue of
Weird Vol. 1 #11 is a particularly inspired issue, full of
Ajax / Farrell reprints featuring vampires and gruesome murder, even Little Red Riding Hood takes on a werewolf! I'll have a really creepy crawly story in our next post, but for now here's my favorite:

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