Multi-legged, spidery things
::shiver:: is there anything more icky and repulsive? How about adding a human or animal head to it--- e
eek! "Web of the Widow" was originally presented in
Haunted Thrills #16 ('52), and reprinted a decade later in the April '66 issue of
Eerie Pulication's Weird Vol. 1#11. Also, you might learn a few interesting things from this tale: 1.) A slap across the face sounds like
"SPLAT!", and 2.) scorched bones apparently have their own unique smell... P.U.

Fans of
John Carpenter's The Thing (1982) remake might raise an eyebrow at the spider-dog panels in
"The Fleshrippers" from the Jan. '81 issue of
Weird Vampire Tales Vol. 5 #1. I have to wonder if
Rob Bottin saw this story while designing creature concepts? Anyway, this is a marvelously moronic tale of scientific stupidity gone gloriously awry-- the best kind!
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