Number 1052
Subhuman giants, ghouls, Bigfoot and Sasquatch...
...are all the same, or at least according to these two stories, both of which are about Bigfoot, under different names.
"Do They Exist?" is from Adventures Into the Unknown #137, 1962 (probably a reprint from an earlier issue with a different title), and "Return Of the Ghoul" comes to us via a reprint in IW's Daring Adventures #9, 1958. It was originally from Blue Bolt Weird Tales of Terror #115, and according to the GCD, was a sequel to "The Ghoul Of the North" from Avon's Eerie #15. Got all that? There will be a quiz.
The first story is drawn by Edmond Good, an artist we have featured here before, in Pappy's #985 and Pappy's #994. Jay Disbrow does the ghoul story. I believe he wrote it (he could be wordy, perhaps graduating from the Al Feldstein School of Comic Book Writing). His Bigfoot is more of a shape shifter than the traditional hairy giant of the woods. This is the first story I've shown by Disbrow.

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