Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 11, 2011

Trivia Quiz #45: Answers

1. In what year did Ray Palmer graduate from college? In the Atom #10, we learned that Ray was a 1954 grad of Ivy University. That would have made him about 32 in 1964, or a geezer of 79 today.

2. What do Lois Lane's lips taste like? Clark Kent discovered at a Christmas party in Action #306 that her lips tasted like peaches:
3. What holiday do people on Thanagar celebrate on the same day Americans celebrate the Fourth of July? Folks on Thanagar celebrate Impossible Day, on which they are supposed to do three impossible things. BTW, for a really cool treat, check out Pappy's Golden Age Blogazine post on this story; he has the original Gardner Fox manuscript for the tale, complete with Julius Schwartz's editorial changes, plus scans of the actual story so you can see how it went from script to finished product.

4. What was Jay Garrick's address? When Barry Allen discovered that he'd vibrated onto an Earth-like planet where Central City was known as Keystone City, he looked up Jay Garrick in the phone book:
And discovered that he lived at 5252 78th Street.

5. What was Perry White's favorite TV program? Perry White loved to relax at home and check out Allan Funt and Candid Camera:

These were intended to be really tough, but Jim got four out of the five correct. I stumped a couple folks who usually do quite well. Nobody got the question about Lois' flavor of lipstick.

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