Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 8, 2012

Number 1208: “He reads ’em, breathes ’em and sleeps ’em”

George Marcoux, who created, wrote and drew the title character for this issue of Supersnipe Comics, is something of a mystery. Not much information is available on him. He drew a short-lived comic strip in the 1930s called “Toddy” which, according to Ger Apeldoorn was said to have been canceled due to the artist's illness. Marcoux reappeared in 1942 with Supersnipe, who remained a popular character throughout the 1940s.

One Internet source which I googled ("Google," also known as the digital Junior Woodchuck's Guidebook) gave dates for Marcoux as born 1896 and died 1946, which means he was supposedly drawing Supersnipe Comics three years after his death. Eh? If anyone has any concrete information on Marcoux please let me know.

Koppy McFad had fantasies about comic books, which he collected in great numbers. Boy oh boy, does that bring it all back. I remember my Batman fantasies of the fifties — **cough** cough** — errrr, I mean I'm sure many people who read comic books as youngsters dreamed of themselves as superheroes, and Marcoux tapped into that with Supersnipe. Marcoux's artwork wasn't much like a comic book style, even in the forties, and in this story he filled his busy panels with speedlines and whirligig action, but I like his style anyway, Marcoux appears to be one of the members of the Old Cartoonists Club, which would include Henry C. Kiefer, H. G. Peter, Alex Blum, George Carlson, E. C. Stoner, Harold Delay, among others whose names I don't remember, but who were established professionals years, even decades, before there was such an animal as a comic book.

Editor William De Grouchy (a great name,and I am considering changing my name to Pappy De Grouchy to match my personality) included a page on the inside front cover of this issue to tell of Supersnipe's popularity:

From Supersnipe Comics #7 (actually #2), 1943:

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